April 1, 2020

To our Torrid Community,

Over the past few weeks, it seems like the world has turned completely upside down. None of us have ever gone through anything like this. And honestly, all of us here at Torrid are doing the best we can as the world changes minute to minute. We've had to make some truly hard decisions to temporarily close all of our stores as well as our distribution center—which has real impacts on each and every one of us.

Many of you are waiting for your packages to be shipped or your returns to be processed. Fortunately, our distribution center is open and operating again. But it's going to take us some time. We've made some big changes to the way we fulfill your orders to protect our teams. And with those changes come delays for both your orders and your returns. Please bear with us in these difficult times.

We're all so grateful for the distribution center employees who are really keeping everything running. I always say that we have the best people working at Torrid. And I believe that with my whole heart. They are an extraordinary team, and we wanted to let you know the steps we've taken to keep them safe and healthy:

•Daily deep-cleaning and disinfecting
•Hand sanitizing stations installed across building
•6-foot distances delineated on floor to ensure social distancing
•Staggered shifts and breaks
•Requiring employees to check their temperature before work and stay home if unwell
•Voluntary work shifts—those choosing to work receive a shift premium

I want to thank you for your patience as we work through all of this. The support, care and concern you've shown for our community mean so much to us.

We'll get through this together,
Liz Muñoz
CEO, Torrid